Screw chiller
76 products found
We designed our chillers so they could be removed for service without shutting down the rest of the chilling system
The chiller would be of sound mechanical and refrigeration design.
it supplies the cooling equipment with complete plant water piping drawings.
Temperature Corporation supplies the cooling equipment with the customer being responsible for the installation,
our chiller product temperature range is from -15 C to 7 C using different refrigerants like 134a, 404A, 407C or R22
we also supply medium temperature chillers with freon R22 for skating .
Our core business is supply chilled water, tower water or fluid cooler systems (both dry and wet)
Our core business is process or industrial cooling systems
Running costs are significantly lower since replacement of lubrication oil is unnecessary at the time of maintenance.
The basic cooling cycle is the same for both vapor-compression and absorption chillers.
Operation efficiency has been improved due to low friction.
Various applications are possible including air conditioning applications and large-scale district heat source systems.
Forged under harsh conditions, SHANLI water cooled chillers provide high quality, operation efficiency, and energy savings.
Use of the heat recovery of water cooled chillers can significantly reduce the energy operating costs of many buildings.
the entering condenser water temperature control is recommended for higher chiller efficiency and reliable operation.
The styles, feature and main concerns of heat recovery water system are almost discussed.

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